Thursday, September 27, 2007


Well all my plans to get caught up ended almost as quickly as they began. I am in a wrist and thumb brace for at least a week, possibly longer, as we try and figure out what is causing the nerve pain. It is most likely carpal tunnel, but having some strange symptoms too, so this is frustrating and painful. I had no idea how much pain it could be, and being a migraine sufferer, I have a high pain tolerance. I definitely have new respect for those with this condition, I truly had no idea.
I am hoping to find some way to continue working on my beading without stressing my hand. I guess one thing in my favor is it is my left hand and I am right handed. Maybe I could work on some sort of stand up frame, or something like that. I am creative and an engineer, I can make this work :)
Well that is the end of my whine for today, plus typing is tough with the brace lol.

1 comment:

Quilter Kathy said...

Oh dear...I hope this gets resolved quickly for you.
Maybe beading is good therapy for it!?!?! Let's hope!