Well I did something different this month. It is as sparse as last months is full. I did it in the course of a night. We had gone over to a friends new house to help them move some stuff around and hang pictures. Well as it doesn't take four to do that, I sat back and offered input while beading my leaf. I really did not intend to just outline the leaf, but as I sat there looking at the beautiful material and the pretty metallic beads I had, I just started. I finished the outline then added the veins and stopped there for the night. I fully intended to do more the next day, but when I looked at it the next night, I couldn't make myself attach another bead. It just spoke to me with its simplicity, its simple beauty and I decided to honor that. My life feels so cluttered with my job and everything else I do, I really love the simple nature of the single falling leaf. Autumn has always been one of my favorite seasons and the colors in October are so inspiring, it now just seems so fitting. Life is change, death and rebirth, again and again. Fall never feels sad to me, rather it feels like a clearing of space for something new to come, just around the corner.
This is quite lovely and full of so much warmth.
Kathy V in NM (who loves Autumn, too)
This is gorgeous!
and Amen for autumn!
Pam T in Wisconsin
It's perfect as it is...
Lovely, just perfect for this season!
Its deep beauty lies in its simplicity...
Definitely perfect as it is. I also love your page from September, I just saw it now for the first time and wanted to comment on it too.
It's knowing when to stop that sometimes MAKES the art piece. This turned out very nice. The season is also a favorite of mine. If I had one more child, which I didn't, I was going to name her September!
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