I have also been running around trying to decide what to take, wear, not wear, not take, ok maybe take, etc. for Burning Man. In the spirit of my beading this year, I am trying to step out of my comfort zone and let a little bit of my inner self show in my clothes and outfits at BM this year. Basically leave my more conservative side behind and let the Leo in me out to play :) I am also planning on getting out of my camp a bit more and trying some events like morning meditation or yoga, taking a workshop on herbal healing, a class on couples massage, assuming I can talk my partner into this :), and one camp I am looking forward to visiting.....Gnome Camp. You adopt a garden gnome for the duration of the event, put them in your camp or take them around BM and take pictures on their disposable camera, which you then return at the end of the event. You have to make sure your gnome has a good time. This sounds like it could be a lot of fun.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, the title of this post.....our new addition. Well, to make a long story short, hopefully, our house came with a feral cat, unbeknownst to us. She (Zoe, who has since been caught and fixed) had kittens awhile ago and we found ourselves trying to tame and feed and care for four kittens. One of them is a true runt that Zoe abandoned for some reason at about 4 weeks. When we noticed, he was skin and bones. Of course we had to take him in and oh my, he (Pixel) has not grown much, but is filling out and driving poor Beanie (my cat) crazy. How something that weighs only ounces can make so much noise, I have no idea, but he is a wild man lol. And to top it off, he will only sleep if he is cuddled up against one of our chests, purring up a storm, cute as can be, but cause he is so small, we want to make sure he has enough room. Our queen size bed is not big enough for a cat, already demanding in her own right, two adult human slaves and now a pint size kitten.
Oh and his one last, very charming, trait...he has decided that feeding time is 5am, give or take ten minutes. Now this poses no problem for my fellow slave as he is a morning person, but it is pure torture for me. LMAO! now I know this may sound like I am whining, but I already love the little stinker....just had to complain a tiny bit. Oh and put a huge thanks in advance out there to my mom who is just insane enough to take my two cats while we are on vacation. They will have so much fun with her cat and new kitten LOL! She is going to be a crazy cat woman for a couple weeks and I can only hope she still is talking to me when we return from the desert LOL!
Can't wait to hear how Burning Man pendants went over...I have friends who go, but haven't gone myself as I am soooo not a desert person!
Love your new addition...have one here too, in another flavor!
Have fun at Burning Man. You lucky girl.
And oh what a sweet face on your new baby. HOW could he be such a handful and so tiny??? lol... I have a feeling your now slaves for life.
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